Proponents of safe food consumption have listed the embrace of organic farming as an attractive option. here are the advantages the highlight

1. No Genetically modified organisms – crops produced don’t have to worry about GMOs. Organic farming is a more natural way to grow food, so there is less risk of contamination, mutation or loss in crop yield.

2. Harmless to  the soil – Organic farmers use methods that can replace synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. They work with the soil to build healthy ecosystems and prevent erosion. Organic farmers  don’t use chemicals that harm water quality or pollute the air.

3.More nutritious food – Farming practices that use organic methods make sure that the soil is fertile and fertilisers are not needed. These methods also produce nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium in a natural way. Organic farms can also make sure that the animals they raise are treated humanely because the farm will provide them with healthier food instead of using antibiotics to compensate for unhealthy food.

4.Safer and healthier work environment – Organic farming can provide a healthy working environment, which is something important when you’re constantly surrounded by workers with health problems. Organic farmers have lower rates of pesticide exposure and use fewer harmful chemicals to maintain their land and crops.

5.Increased resistance to pests and disease – Organic farms are resistant to pests, weeds, and diseases because they are typically kept without the use of pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilisers. The increase in pest resistance also helps to reduce production costs for organic farmers.

6. Fertilisers are made naturally and on site –  Organic fertilisers are made on site and use natural substances that help to enrich the crops without killing them. This type of farming is better for the earth, and it helps people who want to eat a healthier diet or make a bigger difference in the environment.

7 Can grow more variety of crops – Organic farming can help farmers grow more variety in a shorter amount of time through methods such as crop rotation, composting, and animal breeding to make the land more productive without using any artificial fertilisers or pesticides.

8 Climate-friendly and easier on the environment – Organic farming reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 25% and saves the water required to farm organic crops. Organic farms can be cultivated in a far more diverse range of eco-friendly ways, which creates a better balance between the native ecosystem, livestock and plants.

9 Sustainable  – In contrast to conventional farming, organic farming is more sustainable for the future because it’s more environmentally friendly and less destructive to the land. Organic farmers use sustainable agricultural practices such as maintaining crop rotation, using livestock to convert weeds into nutrient-rich soil and cover crops, and minimising chemical usage.


Non commercial use ONLY


July 21 2022

September 9, 2021

After more than a decade of various attempts, the Nigerian oil and gas industry (the “Industry”) will finally have a new look following the enactment of the Petroleum Industry Act 2021 (the “PIA”).

For many years, the Federal Government of Nigeria (the “FGN”) sought to overhaul the Industry by introducing a new legal, regulatory and fiscal regime. The first major attempt was in 2008 when the first Petroleum Industry Bill (the “PIB”) was introduced. Since 2008, there have been other unsuccessful attempts at reforming the Industry through reworked drafts of the PIB in 2012 and 2018.

In 2020, the FGN reintroduced the PIB 2020 to the National Assembly and after months of deliberations, both arms of the National Assembly passed the PIB 2020 in July 2021 and the President signed the PIB 2020 (now the PIA) into law in August 2021. Based on the gazetted copy of the PIA, the PIA regime commenced on 16 August 2021.

The PIA comprises 5 (five) chapters that cover the following issues:

a. Chapter 1 – Governance and Institutions: deals with the creation of efficient and effective institutions and entities with clear and separate roles for the Industry such as the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (the “Commission”) for upstream matters, the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (the “Authority”) to regulate midstream and downstream operations and the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited – a limited liability company – a commercial entity to succeed the current Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. Chapter 1 also sets out the powers of the Minister of Petroleum Resources (the “Minister”), which are significantly reduced vis-à-vis the regulatory framework pursuant to the Petroleum Act that confers significant powers on the office of the Minister.

b. Chapter 2 – Administration: focuses on transparent and efficient administration/ management of the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of the Industry. While the Commission will regulate the upstream sector, the midstream and downstream sectors are within the regulatory ambit of the Authority.

c. Chapter 3 – Host Community Development: deals with the provision of social and economic benefits to host communities. The aim is to support the development of host communities.

d. Chapter 4 – Petroleum Industry Fiscal Framework: aimed at encouraging investment in the Industry, balancing rewards with risks and enhancing revenues to the FGN. Chapter 4 of the PIA completely overhauls the existing fiscal regime.

e. Chapter 5 – Miscellaneous Provisions: contains provisions such as those dealing with legal proceedings, amendments, repeals, savings, transfer of assets & liabilities, transfer of employees & condition of service and interpretations.

It is indeed a new dawn for the Industry and Dentons ACAS-Law will walk through this new dawn with our clients and potential investors seeking to take advantage of the new look Industry. Please look out for our subsequent publications where we will be providing more detailed analyses of the PIA and its impact on the Industry.


15 Nov 2021

Safety and health programs and practices in agriculture,  are captured in the following websites:

accessed 27 March 2021

We are brokers and promoters in the Agriculture business. Our duties also include being lobbyists for your products and services


Please contact us for necessary information


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Water treatment now has an enhanced face. Many solutions and interventions are today being marketed particularly in developing countries known to have some economic and awareness challenges . In Nigeria , companies in Europe have flooded the market with products each claiming effectiveness in water purity and potability

Rhizucor Nig Ltd welcomes manufacturers with integrity only to offer their products on its platform. Apart from this, such products can be distributed by our organization in Nigeria or packaged in a way that guarantees win-win scheme

You are welcome

Nov 2020

Are you a manufacturer or distributor of hand held multi parameter analytical equipment in the food or water industry ?

Do you want an outpost in Nigeria ?

Do you seek productive partnership with entrepreneurs with some expertise in these areas ?

Are you sure your products can compete robustly with those already in the market ?

For these and other relationships  please contact


April 2020

*European pesticide giants are making huge profits at the cost of human
rights. About 200,000 people die every year due to poisoning from
pesticides. The major part of these deaths occur in the Global South. This
has to stop now!*

Dr. Thilo Bode Director of foodwatch International

Full report (17 pages)

*Related PAEPARD blogpost:*
The Food Challenge: toxic pesticides in Kenya
Concerns have been raised
<> about
the safety of food in Kenya. In particular, the increased prevalence of
harmful chemical pesticides.



Dele Fapohunda

21 April, 2020

Source  ==PAEPARD

New England Biolabs Foundation — Grants for Grassroots Conservation 2020

The New England Biolabs Foundation makes grants to grassroots and charitable organizations to support conservation of biological diversity; ecosystem services; community food security; and marine environment. The geographical scope focuses on regions (specified on the website) in Central America; South America, and West Africa. Maximum grant size is US$10 thousand. Most grants are US$3 thousand to US$8 thousand. The deadlines for submission of LOIs are 23 March 2020 and 10 August 2020.

Future Food — Postdoc Fellowships to Young Researchers

Future Food – A Swiss Research Initiative awards up to ten postdoc fellowships each year to further expand research and education in the area of food and nutrition sciences. The fellowship provides personal research funds for three years, enabling fellows to work on their projects in a Swiss research laboratory. Applicants must hold a doctorate (PhD). There is no restriction on nationality. The deadline for applications via the online form is 31 March 2020

MCF@RUFORUM Scholarships 2020/2021

MasterCard Foundation has partnered with the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM;, a network of 125 universities in 38 African countries to Transform African Agricultural Universities (TAGDev) to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and development. The aim of the partnership is to transform African agricultural universities and their graduates to better respond to developmental challenges through enhanced application of science, technology, business and innovation for rural agricultural transformation. Under this partnership, 110 undergraduate and 110 Masters Scholarships will be provided over a period of eight years. The scholarships target academically deserving yet economically disadvantaged, marginalized communities and those coming from conflict and post conflict areas of Africa. The scholarships are tenable at Egerton University in Kenya and Gulu University in Uganda. Students enrolled under this scholarship program will receive comprehensive scholarships, leadership development, life skills support, entrepreneurship training and mentorship and exposure to community engagement. For the academic year 2020/2021, thirty (30) Master’s Scholarships are available, of which 50% will be for Kenya and Uganda nationals. Fifty percent (50%) of the scholarships will be awarded female applicants. The deadline to apply for the MCF@RUFORUM Scholarships is 31st March 2020 at 17:00 Hours (GMT+3).

OWSD PhD Fellowships

The Fellowship is offered to women scientists from science- and technology-lagging countries (STLCs) to undertake PhD research in the natural, engineering and information technology sciences at a host institute in another developing country in the Global South. Deadline for submission: 31 March 2020.

NextWorldNow Community Investments — Community Grants 2020

NextWorldNow (NWN) is committed to working with community leaders who are solving difficult social problems. This includes social problems related to water, sanitation, deforestation, smallholder productivity, and food security — among other subject areas. Grants are up to US$10 thousand. To apply, community organizations submit a short “Notification of Interest” to register their intent to submit a formal grant application. NWN will screen the initial requests and forward a full application form to selected community organizations. The deadline to submit a Notification of Interest is 31 March 2020.

Latvian State Education Development Agency — Scholarships 2020/2021

The Latvian State Education Development Agency offers scholarships to foreign students, researchers and teaching staff for studies, research and participation in summer schools in Latvian higher education institutions (HEIs) for the academic year 2020/2021. Study programs include Agriculture, Environmental Science, Forestry, Energy, among others. The scholarship amount varies from €500 to €670 per month, depending on the program. Eligibility extends to countries that signed an agreement on cooperation in education and science (detailed in the announcement). The deadline for application is 01 April 2020

IDEX Accelerator — IDEX Fellowship 2020

IDEX invites applications worldwide for its Fellowship Program 2020. The Fellowships build the capacity of young professionals for social enterprise in areas such as agriculture, education, clean energy, sanitation, healthcare, livelihoods, and impact investing. The program provides six months of leadership training in enterprise development, including field placements at social enterprises in India. Candidates should be 21 to 35 years old, with a minimum of one to three years of professional work experience. IDEX offers a limited number of full and partial scholarships to select candidates. The application deadline is 05 April 2020.

Indian National Academy of Sciences — JRD-Tata Fellowships for Visiting Scientists from Developing Countries

India’s National Science Academy administers the JRD-Tata Fellowships to support visiting scientists from the developing world and promote South-South cooperation. The program is open to applicants from developing countries (except India) younger than age 45, and who possess doctorate or masters degrees in science or equivalent degrees in engineering/medicine. Past participants have included several in agriculture, biological sciences, and geo-sciences. The fellowship is for three months and includes transportation, maintenance allowance, accommodation, and contingencies. The application deadlines are 30 April and 31 October of each year

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology — Research Grants 2020

The ICGEB Research Grants support projects in agricultural biotechnology, environmental bio-remediation, and many other fields. The grants are intended to facilitate the creation of research facilities in promising institutes; to promote training of young scientists; and to develop new research programs in participating countries. The program is open to applicants who have positions at universities and research institutes in ICGEB’s member states. Grants are a maximum of €25 thousand per year for projects of up to three years. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 April 2020

Nestlé Foundation — Human Nutrition in Developing Countries 2020

The Nestlé Foundation supports research in human nutrition in low-income and lower middle-income countries. In relation to agriculture, the Foundation will consider research on food policy, food production, and food technology if the intervention has high potential for improved nutritional status and public health. The Foundation offers training grants, pilot grants, and full project grants. Priority is for proposals submitted by researchers in developing countries, or jointly with partners in developed countries. A Letter of Intent (LOI) can be submitted at any time of the year. The deadlines for full grant applications are 10 January and 10 May 2020.

Teach A Man To Fish — School Enterprise Challenge 2020

The School Enterprise Challenge is an international business program for schools run by the educational charity Teach A Man To Fish. It guides and supports teachers and students to plan and set up real, sustainable school businesses and generate real profits to help support their school or a social cause of their choice. Thematic areas include agriculture, drinking water and sanitation, and the environment, among others. Prizes are between US$250 and US$5 thousand, including in-kind donations like laptops and cameras. Please note that only pre-primary schools, primary schools, secondary schools and technical/vocational colleges are eligible (universities are not eligible to apply). The deadlines for project submission are 20 February, 20 May, 20 August, and 20 November 2020.

Good luck



March 2020

Probiotics AsiaPacific

Details:World Congress on Probiotics, Functional food and Nutraceuticals

Event Dates:09-10, 2019
Event Venue:Singapore

For more information, visit  Website:

The Federal Government of Nigeria has rolled out the requirements for granting Agriculture Loans to farmers including youtha nd women groups

Information available include


For more informeation, please visit