Proponents of safe food consumption have listed the embrace of organic farming as an attractive option. here are the advantages the highlight
1. No Genetically modified organisms – crops produced don’t have to worry about GMOs. Organic farming is a more natural way to grow food, so there is less risk of contamination, mutation or loss in crop yield.
2. Harmless to the soil – Organic farmers use methods that can replace synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. They work with the soil to build healthy ecosystems and prevent erosion. Organic farmers don’t use chemicals that harm water quality or pollute the air.
3.More nutritious food – Farming practices that use organic methods make sure that the soil is fertile and fertilisers are not needed. These methods also produce nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium in a natural way. Organic farms can also make sure that the animals they raise are treated humanely because the farm will provide them with healthier food instead of using antibiotics to compensate for unhealthy food.
4.Safer and healthier work environment – Organic farming can provide a healthy working environment, which is something important when you’re constantly surrounded by workers with health problems. Organic farmers have lower rates of pesticide exposure and use fewer harmful chemicals to maintain their land and crops.
5.Increased resistance to pests and disease – Organic farms are resistant to pests, weeds, and diseases because they are typically kept without the use of pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilisers. The increase in pest resistance also helps to reduce production costs for organic farmers.
6. Fertilisers are made naturally and on site – Organic fertilisers are made on site and use natural substances that help to enrich the crops without killing them. This type of farming is better for the earth, and it helps people who want to eat a healthier diet or make a bigger difference in the environment.
7 Can grow more variety of crops – Organic farming can help farmers grow more variety in a shorter amount of time through methods such as crop rotation, composting, and animal breeding to make the land more productive without using any artificial fertilisers or pesticides.
8 Climate-friendly and easier on the environment – Organic farming reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 25% and saves the water required to farm organic crops. Organic farms can be cultivated in a far more diverse range of eco-friendly ways, which creates a better balance between the native ecosystem, livestock and plants.
9 Sustainable – In contrast to conventional farming, organic farming is more sustainable for the future because it’s more environmentally friendly and less destructive to the land. Organic farmers use sustainable agricultural practices such as maintaining crop rotation, using livestock to convert weeds into nutrient-rich soil and cover crops, and minimising chemical usage.
Non commercial use ONLY
July 21 2022