Food odor is rampant anywhere food is being prepared or served. The odor may be a reflection of a few condiments added to it or a combined effect of all the ingredients, on being heated. At times, such aroma may put off prospective consumers thus attracting loss of interest.. Happily, some manufacturers have devised interventions that can nullify the odor impact by chemical or biological means. Effectiveness of each product is however, determined by the end user .Spoiled food is repugnant to the sense of smell
Although big hotels, poultry and markets recognise the need to deodorize the air environment, many individual faced with economic challenge, are still left out of the loop. The result is a continuous occupation of public spaces by undesirable odors sometimes form food sources, at other times from decaying organic and non- food sources.
Anything that compromises the hygienic quality of air may jeopardize human and animal health. The is pocket-friendly, effective bio solution that leaves no trace after the period of odor capture.
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With the need to increase the speed and reliability of detecting food fraud , some laboratories have developed e nose and e tongue and other devices that can capture the status of food on site. The era of laborious laboratory based analyses may be on its way out as research is now intensified on miniaturized, portable, hand held devices with the sensitivity expected. Ellis and co researchers, in 2015, in a paper tagged “Point and Shoot…” delved much on this and similar issues on analyses in the Agri Food sector. The Safe Food and Feed Foundation has always proposed and supported all effort to make food testing easier for direct consumers. This will further enhance the quality of human health and international trade. Now that many stakeholders are thinking along this line, achieving a global food safety, through a rapid detection and quantification technique, may be just near the next bend .
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David I. Ellis, Howbeer Muhamadali , Simon A. Haughey , Christopher T. Elliott b and Royston Goodacre 2015. Point-and-shoot: rapid quantitative detection methods for on-site food fraud analysis – moving out of the laboratory and into the food supply chain DOI: 10.1039/C5AY02048D (Critical Review) Anal. Methods, 2015, 7, 9401-9414