For 4 weeks now, WAFA, IFDC and<> have been providing weekly updates on the fertilizer situation in West Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic, in partnership with ECOWAS, UMEOA, CILSS, CORAF, and USAID.

The situation is still satisfactory logistically and financially for a timely delivery of fertilizers to producers, helped by the easing of restrictions and containment measures in several countries. Our last issue focused on price reports across the region. This week, our map shows fertilizer use in the 17 countries of West Africa on both food and cash crops.

Read our West Africa Fertilizer Watch – Weekly Analysis #4 (EN)<> and download the past editions and full set of documents at

Current Highlights
Published Friday, May 1, 2020. These highlights will be updated every Friday.
·         The supply chain is working, and stocks are being built up, while some countries are taking measures to open up. This is true in Ghana and Nigeria, where the economic impacts of the pandemic may be more severe than the direct health impacts.
·         Government responses are being fine-tuned, with response plans and support programm for inputs (Togo, Nigeria, Senegal) being put in place, or for agricultural commodity chains (Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritania, Chad).
·         Subsidies, first of all for food crops? While food crops only consume a little more than half (54%) of the fertilizers consumed in West Africa and receive barely 20% of the recommended inputs, governments should encourage local food production and maintain the production level and purchasing power of cash crop farmers. Implementation options should be based on ECOWAS regulations and the future Fertilizer Subsidy Directive, as well as existing national subsidy programs (see the map published in Issue 2 and RODEVA’s viewpoint).
·         Responses from the seed sector are being prepared with support from CORAF, which notes that enough certified seed for rice is available for the next growing season, while all other crops have a shortfall in the quantity of seed required.

_ Source=Patrice Annequin    PAEPARD

World Milk Day is a day established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to recognize the importance of milk as a global food.


It has been observed on June 1 each year since 2001.

World Milk Day campaigns can take the shape of any activity organized by anyone in the world. The basic criteria is that it celebrate the contributions of the dairy sector to nutrition, animal care, sustainability, and livelihoods.


In light of the global pandemic of COVID-19, we encourage organizers to host social media campaigns or online events to abide by the policies put in place by the World Health Organization (WHO) and your local government. Our thoughts go to all the people who are affected by this virus. The day is intended to provide an opportunity to bring attention to activities that are connected with the dairy sector. We want World Milk Day to be known around the world and for people to see the creativity of World Milk Day organizers by having access to live and recorded images of all the campaigns taking place around the world.


To help create a positive stream of conversation in advance of the celebration, this year Global Dairy Platform coordinated the Enjoy Dairy Rally from May 29-31, culminating in World Milk Day on June 1.


Through social and traditional media as well as hundreds of events, the benefits of milk and dairy products were actively promoted, including how dairy supports the livelihoods of one billion people around the world. Overall, impressions were down from 1.1 billion last year, which was expected due to World Milk Day being on a Saturday this year. However, by introducing the Enjoy Dairy Rally and extending the length of activity, that shortfall was reduced. What’s more, the Enjoy Dairy Rally made the effort look and feel more like a campaign, which may be something to consider for the future.


World Milk Day will build in particular on social media to make sure that all campaigns are shared widely and sometimes live or with little delay.


#EnjoyDairy: A worldwide rally is taking place 29-31 May leading up to #WorldMilkDay.


Event Details and Resources: