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‘Aflatoxins in Nigerian Groundnut:
Continuous Threat to Health, Agriculture
and Foreign Trade Policy Brief 35
April 2018’



April 2019

April 2019
Monsanto-Bayer loses second trial over Roundup-cancer link
In another major blow to pesticide manufacturer Bayer, a federal jury ruled that the company’s Roundup herbicide was the substantial cause of a man’s cancer and ordered the weedkiller manufacturer to pay $80 million in damages.
Promotion of GMO Impossible Burger at Natural Products Expo West denounced as deceptive
Natural food industry representatives and consumer advocates denounced Impossible Foods, maker of the GMO-derived Impossible Burger, for promoting their product at Natural Products Expo West, saying they were engaging in deceptive marketing.
Grinnell Heritage Farm is farming against type—and against the odds—in Iowa
One of Iowa’s largest community-supported agriculture farms, which is built around numerous conservation practices, fights for survival amidst economic and climate pressures.
Organic Farming and Food
Global organic area reaches another all-time high
Nearly 173 million acres of farmland are organic
The year 2017 was another record year for global organic agriculture. According to the latest Research Institute of Organic Agriculture(FiBL) survey on organic agriculture worldwide, organic farmland increased substantially, and the number of organic producers and organic retail sales also continued to grow, reaching another all-time high, as shown by the data from 181 countries (data as of the end 2017).
I’ve been a farmworker all my life. Here’s why you should buy organic food
Supporting organic protects your health and also that of farmers and farmworkers—a basic right, says one Latino farmworker.
Organic Grain Collaboration releases report on increasing organic grain production in the U.S.
The U.S. Organic Grain Collaboration, in partnership with the Organic Trade Association, recently released a critical and timely report looking at the state of organic grain in the United States. The report, titled “U.S. Organic Grain – How to Keep It Growing,” drills down into the key barriers in expanding domestic organic grain production, and identifies specific industry solutions to overcome the hurdles.
Orange in tree
Organic Center pinpoints organic ways to defeat citrus greening
With the bacterial disease known as citrus greening, or Huanglongbing (HLB), decimating millions of citrus crop acres in the U.S. and abroad, The Organic Center has published a grower guide and peer-reviewed paper to help organic producers identify organic strategies to deal with the disease.
Buy organic food to help curb global insect collapse, say scientists
A global review in The Guardian recommends moving away from intensive farming and slashing pesticide use to protect vital insect species.
Danish consumers are “world champions” of organic food, report says
Denmark is consistently the global leader in total organic food sales.
Straus Family Creamery celebrates 25 years of commitment to the planet, farmers, and organics
Straus Family Creamery, a leader in organic farming and sustainable dairy innovation, announces a year-long celebration of the company’s 25th anniversary to highlight its significant impact in the organic farming and organic food movement.
Market News
Pipeline Foods purchases SunOpta’s non-GMO and organic corn and soy business
Pipeline Foods LLC, a U.S.-based supply chain solutions company focused on organic, non-GMO and regenerative food and feed, recently announced that it is acquiring the specialty and organic corn and soy business from SunOpta, Inc.
Many organic producers keep dry despite Midwest flooding
As the devastating consequences of the recent flooding impacting the Midwest are being analyzed, one of the questions people are asking is, “How will this flooding impact organic production?”
Organic livestock and imports continue to drive the market according to Mercaris’ Organic Commodities Outlook
U.S. organic commodity markets continue to expand according to the recently released Mercaris Organic Commodities Outlook. The report provides a comprehensive outlook for production, trade, and demand across the top U.S. organic field crop commodities as well as estimates of U.S. organic livestock and feed demand.
Non-GMO Trend
New partnership announced for climate-smart non-GMO corn production in Colombia
Agricultural research organizations are investing in high-yielding, non-GMO corn varieties to lessen Colombia’s large need for corn imports.
The startup taking on Bayer with cheaper, non-GMO seeds
Five-year-old Farmers Business Network Inc. (FBN) has inserted itself in the Big Ag GMO seed market—by introducing a brand of non-GMO seeds that due to advances in breeding, farming practices, and chemical formulas, can compete with GMOs.
Springer Mountain Farms introduces new “PLUS” line of Non-GMO Project Verified chicken products
Springer Mountain Farms PLUS chickens are raised on family farms with no antibiotics, hormones, steroids, or animal by-products ever and are certified by the American Humane Association. They are fed a high quality diet of 100 percent American-grown, pesticide-free, Non-GMO Project Verified ingredients.
Regenerative Agriculture
Why General Mills wants supply chains to become regenerative stewards of the environment
In order to address challenges from climate change, population growth, and depletion of natural resources, U.S. food giant General Mills has made a major commitment to regenerative agricultural practices on one million acres by 2030.

Source: Ken Roseboro/Editor <> April 2019